Seven perfect foods to fight cold weather
By November temperatures drop permanently and daylight hours decrease significantly, and it dawns later and sets earlier. The cold begins to be felt and winter clothing is necessary.
Food also plays an important role in the fall because there are healthy foods that help fight the cold. Here we propose some of the best foods to increase our body temperature and protect against colds.
Colds: best foods
– Soups and broths: the best way to prepare a delicious soup is cooking it at home with chicken, vegetables or fish. They are perfect to keep warm because we eat them hot and also promote hydration. Also, broths provide lots of nutrients and those that incorporate chicken, have anti-inflammatory properties.
– Tea and herbal teas promote digestion, are antioxidants and provide nutrients to the body. They tend to be hot, so they are great for increasing body temperature. Moreover, infusions serve to mitigate the effects caused by colds and sore throats.
– Vegetables: Spain has always been a country in which the stews are prevalent in the winter months compared to other dishes. This is why the chickpeas (the famous stew), lentils or beans are very common from the time when the temperature drops. Legumes are healthy foods, they should be part of a balanced diet and provide minerals, protein and various vitamins. You can add that are low in fat and high in fiber.
– Ginger and Garlic: certainly you never imagined that these two products will be useful in the winter, but the truth is that both will help to combat low temperatures. Using ginger in recipes and infusions, you will not suffer from sore throat or cold, during these months, due to its expectorant properties; and, garlic acts as a natural antibiotic because it contain allicin.
– Fish : healthy fats, especially omega 3 , will help you to combat the cold. These fats are in some type of fish (sardines, salmon and tuna, among others), but also in other healthy foods that provide energy as chia oil or soy.
– Fruit: Vitamin C, found in oranges and kiwi, protects the body from infections classic winter colds. These two healthy foods that should be part of a balanced diet, are also a source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is seasonal fruits, so you can easily acquire them.
– Pasta, rice and whole grain bread: carbohydrate present in the whole grain provide enough heat to cope with the low temperatures.
This could be your healthy menu, that you should incorporate into your balanced diet, to successfully tackle the winter months.Go for it, bet on these products and enjoy the cold as you’d ever done!