“Welcome Más Que Salud”

Espacio publicitario

With the premiere of the magazine ‘Más Que Salud’ and on-line www. masquesalud.es opens a new window for the useful and accessible information the user. A new space for the reflection on the responsibility of the citizens in the maintenance and care of his own health. Any support that allows us the spreading of topics related to the different plots of the health is welcome. It is priority to have riverbeds that us make possible the diffusion of healthy and healthy ways of life, which promote the autocare and the information about scientific and pharmacological advances to put brake on the disease.

I am sure, as adviser of Health and Social Politics, who ‘Más Que Salud’ will find his hollow in the Region of Murcia, as specialized way of spreading, of which big experts will take part in health, and who will be prospering, undoubtedly, with the contributions and suggestions of the public.

This new space is going to constitute a point of divulgative meeting and scientific cohesionando the own interests of the sector, answering to the worries of the citizens and promoting responsible attitudes. That of health is an information of service that we we all consume, that we all must have accessible, because it helps us in day after day, to improving our own well-being. In addition, there is undeniable the help that for the managers of the public Health the mass media represent,A rapid and massive riverbed to spread messages of health.

‘Más Que Salud’ online

I Consider to be necessary that we should support a few narrow bows of collaboration and understanding, for, between all, to advance in the fulfillment of the aims of health fixed for the Region of Murcia and that are gathered in our Plan of Health and that will be impossible to culminate without the civil collaboration.

Nowadays, which more worries us, and also because he supposes the major percentage of expense of the sanitary resources, they are the chronic diseases. The sanitary professionals realize a pedagogic unpayable labor with all the users in order that they modify his habits of life before his pathologies become chronic and unleash a colesterolemia, hypertension or Pulmonary Obstructive Chronic Disease. Nevertheless, this task is specially hard but we bet for implying and to involve the citizen in the care of his health.

And it is in this point in which the mass media recover a special protagonism. Across them we manage to spread different programs of Education for the Health, those of Prevention of the Cancer of Breast, of Colon and Straightly, our Program Activates and Activates Families, focused to anticipating the obesity in children as well as promoting and inviting to the donation, which is fundamental to be able to develop with normality the clinical daily activity.

In the same way we put in value the work and the determination of our sanitary professionals, men and women submitted to the work for the health and the well-being of our citizens, who in case of the Service Murciano of Health have achieved that we obtain a few high levels of satisfaction between the users.

Catalina Lorenzo

Consejera de Sanidad y Política Social de la Región de Murcia

Espacio publicitario

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