Search for solutions to the welfare of our children
Childhood and adolescence are particularly important moments in psychological development that may favour a lot of age-related problems.
The Psychology and Medicina Unit at Vithas Medimar International Hospital in Alicante, has an area for children and youth that is composed of a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, psychomotor therapists, psychologists and speech therapists. They collaborate with pediatricians and child psychiatrists to meet the needs of children, adolescents and families, in the health and education sector.
Each person’s circumstances are different, so we know the difficulty and the need for a comprehensive assessment of each patient, to develop a diagnosis and a specific and appropriate treatment.
Drawing, game… are some of the most important tools in the therapy, which will serve as the professional for the child evaluation.
Many people think that the child who comes to the psychologist, school psychologist, psychomotor or speech therapist is suffering some major disorder. However, the reality is very different.
Children and specialists
Specialists are working to help the child and the family to overcome disorders or major alterations, as well as helping to solve problems or situations of daily life. The aim is to prevent the possible development of a disorder, to facilitate the acquisition of positive thinking, and of course, the provision of tools that help him to resolve conflicts or difficulties.
Child Psicoactúa, also offers group workshops as e.g. “Learning to learn program”, that teaches technical children’s study, and it may be a great idea to enjoy the holidays.
Problems in the school’s area: -specific learning disorders – Disorders of reading: DYSLEXIA – Disorders of scripture: DISGRAFÍA – disorder of the calculation: dyscalculia – speech and language disorders – Disfonias – auditory pathologies (Children with hearing loss or with cochlear implants and hearing aids) – cross-Laterality
Problems of conduct: -conduct disorder – ADHD – oppositional defiant disorder and disorder by opposition – Addictions: new technologies.
Emotional problems: – Child Depression – Selective mutism – child anxiety – jealousy – Shyness – emotional education other problems: – sleep problems: fears and night terrors. – Nervous Tics and habits – disorders of the elimination: neurotic disturbances and encopresis
Workshop “Learning to learn”, taking advantage of the holiday of your children!
Learn about: motivation and attention, habit of study, attention and concentration, activation of prior knowledge, strategies for collection and selection of the information, strategies of synthesis and understanding, memorization and exam preparation.
Psicoactúa, Unit of Psychology and Medicine Health
International Hospital Vithas Medimar