Dr Roge Navarro: “We have specific technologies for each condition and every skin type.”
We interview Dr Roge Navarro. Managing director at Centro Dermatológico Estético
1. First of all, we would like to ask you how does it feel to know that Centro Dermatológico has become a national benchmark for dermatological and aesthetic treatments?
Naturally, it is an honour. The aim was and is to achieve excellence in our patient care, and this has been the result of intense work by the professional staff that is part of the centre.
2. And, what are the principles in which Centro Dermatológico Estético bases its medical service activity?
Undoubtedly, the basic principle has been the particular allotment of dermatology and aesthetics. The primary objective of this allotment is to deal as efficiently as possible very specific skin conditions. The professional members of the staff are always learning new techniques that, together with the relevant research in several fields related to dermatology and aesthetics, are elements directly involved in what our Centre is today.
3. Do you think it is important to invest in new technologies?
Yes, of course. It is important the learning of new techniques by the staff of the centre but also the updating of technology to apply them consequently. In Centro Dermatológico Estético, we have specific technologies for each condition and every skin type. Therefore, we have the broadest platform: laser hair removal, vascular, rejuvenation, body contouring, etc. Currently, in a very short period, we have incorporated technologies and techniques designed to improve the aesthetics and especially the quality of patients’ lives.
One of them, being pioneers in Spain, is Profound that allows a treatment without surgery of the sagging neck and facial oval. We can also mention the incorporation of Kleresca, a biophotonics therapy that brings excellent results for the treatment of acne combining led lights with photoconversor gels. As a particular technique, it is relevant to mention intimate anti-aging, which involves rejuvenation and hydration of female intimate areas. Consequently, patients’ quality of life increases and there are no interferes with social or work life.
In short, the constant recycling of professionals and techniques allow becoming leaders in both areas.
In Centro Dermatológico Estético take care of your skin
4. Is employment creation a target for you too?
Absolutely, YES. Alicante’s Centro Dermatológico Estético has conducted an optimal management work at the enterprise level. In such a difficult economic period, we have not stopped creating jobs. Today, we pride ourselves on having consolidated a workforce of about 80 workers. There was a time when the crisis forced us to choose whether to maintain the profit or maintain employment. Without hesitation, we chose to maintain employment because we realised that this is our benefit.
5. To conclude, what do you value most about your job?
The truth is that I declare the same in every interview, but it is my great truth. Patients are the most important in my job. In addition to managing Centro Dermatológico Estético, I devote many hours to my real vocation daily, medicine. Centro Dermatológico Estético is a medical company based on the work of highly qualified professionals, with a structure based on specific treatment units and equipped with cutting-edge medical technologies.
We’ve been working together almost four decades, which has allowed us personal and professional growth. But all this would not have been possible without our greatest asset: patients. We really owe them what we are today and in the future. For everything and much more, we really thank them.