What is the emotional intelligence and how to promote it

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The emotional intelligence (IE) is a set of social skills that help us to be related to the others. To possess this set of skills can be key to have a full life, both in the personal area and in the labor one.

Daniel Goleman, American psychologist, presented in 1995 its book “Emotional Intelligence“ (Emotional Intelligence). In him there was appearing a revolutionary theory that made stagger the classic concepts of the psychology, some that until now were giving priority to the intellect.

For Goleman the emotional intelligence allows us to take conscience of our emotions, understand the feelings of the others, tolerate the pressures and labor frustrations, accentuate our aptitude to be employed at team and to adopt an attitude empática and social, that will offer to us major possibilities of personal development. Goleman tells that a part of these skills, like the self-control or the empathy, they can be formed in our genetic baggage, while others are molded.

The evidence endorsed by abundant investigations demonstrates that the emotional skills are capable of being learned and of being perfected along the life, if for it the suitable methods are used. In its publication, the American psychologist, defends that the success of a person is not determined only by its intellectual coefficient or by its academic studies, but the emotional knowledge enters game.

Why is the IE so important?

The emotional intelligence, according to Goleman, consists of five main characteristics:

– to realize one himself or self-knowledge: the persons with tall IE understand its emotions and they are capable of controlling them. Also they are critical persons with it honest and itself. They know its weak and strong points, and try to improve every day.

– self-control: It is the aptitude to control the feelings and impulses. The persons with tall IE do not allow to take easily at the time of taking decisions. These persons usually think before acting.

– motivation: The persons with a high degree of IE are highly productive, they love the challenges and they are very effective in what they do.

– empathy: Possibly, after the self-knowledge, be the most important second characteristic of the emotional intelligence. The empathy is the aptitude to identify and to understand the desires, needs and points of view with which they surround you. The persons empáticas are generally excellent in the relations management, to listen and to be related to the others. They are not based on stereotypes and do not prejudge.

– social skills: The social persons with skills can manage conflicts with facility and they are excellent communicators. It might be said that they are the perfect team leaders, they know how to develop and to maintain good relations, to communicate with clarity and to inspire to the others.

To what does it affect the IE?

Since we have said the Emotional Intelligence it is possible to learn and to develop, but in addition to being employed at the 5 previous areas we must know in what it affects us and why we must improve it:

– yield in the work: The emotional intelligence can help you to lead or motivate the others.

– physical health: if you are unable to handle the stress levels be able to derive in serious problems of health. The first step to improve the emotional intelligence is to learn to relieve the stress.

– mental health: the stress not controlled also can affect to your mental health. Maintain the control and avoid the anxiety and the depression.

– relations: on having understood your emotions, you will be capable of expressing how you feel, understanding better the feelings of others.

This allows you to communicate to you in a more effective way and forge stronger relations, both in the work and in your personal life. In conclusion The emotional intelligence, since we have seen, affects to our daily life. Sometimes the most intelligent persons are not always that more

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