Microfoam treatment for varicose veins in the San José Viamed Hospital
The Hospital has a Microsurgery Unit of Varicose Veins with foam, an alternative technique to surgery.
The cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Victor Glenn Ray Lopez, is leading this unit and he is considered as a pioneer in Murcia due to the use of this technique that does not require anaesthesia, surgery, nor hospitalization and which allows the patient to immediately join her/his usual activities .
Chronic venous insufficiency affects a large proportion of the adult population. It has become a major health problem in developed countries. It consists in the increase of pressure within the veins of the legs, which over time, may cause the dilated veins to be known as varicose veins.
There are different types of varicose veins depending mainly on their size. For instance, the so-called spider veins, which are veins dilations located in a surface region of the skin and which are very thin. The so-called leg veins, which are dilated veins of medium size; and the truncal varicose veins, which are large venous dilations.
Treatment for varicose veins with microfoam
According to Dr. Victor Glenn Ray Lopez, foam or microfoam is a little aggressive “treatment that allows us to treat large varicose veins without the use of surgery or as an aesthetic complement to surgery. It makes possible to treat varicose veins in a very little aggressive way, without anaesthesia, without hospitalization and without interrupting the daily lives of patients. ”
The treatment, explains the specialist, consists in the injection, inside the large varicose veins, of a foam prepared at the same time of the development of the treatment. “After the session, the patient can go on normally with her/his life. This therapy allows us to treat inadequacies in the arch of veins, the weaknesses of perforating veins and the fact of eliminating large veins of the leg side, “he says. The duration of the process is about 40 minutes and the mean time to display the result ranges from three weeks to three months. Sometimes, only two or three sessions are needed.