Interview with Dr. Andrés Nemseff: “The stem cells are our repair kit”

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This week in Mas Que Salud we interview to Dr. Andrés Nemssef, specialist in plastic, esthetic surgery and repairer with stem cells.

Dr. Nemseff, with more than 25 years of experience behind him, leads a multidisciplinary team in the medical center and surgical STEM CLINIC, integrated into the Hospital Clínica Benidorm (HCB) and International Vithas Hospital Medimar.

Also STEM CLINIC is a national modality in the stem cells employment. Lately much talk about stem cells or regenerative medicine, but: what do you know about stem cells?And why are they used? With the target to solve doubts about the application of the stem cells and the future of the regenerative medicine we have interviewed Dr. Andrés Nemseff, the director of STEM CLÍNIC.

What is the regenerative medicine?

It is the medicine that tries to produce results curative or of improvement, using the own funds of the organism (proper cells, products of the cells, etc), or at least without substances or harmful products, looking, to regenerate, that the proper body “treats” or improves a problem.

Why is it used?

The indications are growing progressively, from treatment doctors in pathology of joints, wounds and chronic ulcers that you do not treat with conventional treatments, up to problems in degenerative illnesses, of diverse nature, neurological, rheumatic, vascular; also in esthetic treatments so much for improvement of the quality of the textiles and skin as producing a volume restoration with proper textiles both in the face and in areas like the breast, butt, etc.

Of what does mother consist the treatment with cells?

Normally with this denomination certain types of cells are included, one of the most important the cells are a mother, typically and usually we use the called Fraction Estromal Vascular, which is extracted from the adipose textile, which is the textile where major cells concentration mother they exist, in the organism.They can be used in isolated form, as in combination or enriching other textiles, like the greasy grafts.

What applications do they have?

Treatment of ulcers and chronic fistulas, pathology of joints where it might be late or even an operation, mammary increase be avoided and glúteos with fat enriched with cells. facial rejuvenation

What benefits does this treatment contribute opposite to others?

The biggest benefit is using proper textiles and cells, without any rejection risk and with an enormous potential of improvement and stability in the result. The cells improve the quality and vascularización of the textiles, have the potential of turning into the necessary cell in every place and textile.

In what medical specialty is the cellular therapy more developed?

In medicine and lately in esthetics treatments, especially facial rejuvenation and increase of breast WITHOUT implants, or to replace or to solve implants that have given problems. It is a surgery that does not leave scars in the breast and provides a completely natural result.

Why should we preserve our stem cells?

The stem cells, very important, are our kit of cellular repair, which we take in the organism, they repair organs and textiles, but they are aging also. The preservation of the cells of when we are more young people, will put them at our disposal in a possible case that they are necessary, when age is had more. The treatment would be carried out by our own cells of when we were younger.

How is the process of cellular preservation realized?

By means of a small intervention (microliposuction) under local anesthesia, with an immediate recovery. The fat is sent immediately to the bank of textiles where the cells are extracted and 196 survive to – º a temperature that allows to stop the biological clock of the cells.

At what age is it recommended to do it?

The more young man one realizes the procedure, the more young people and of the major potential there will be the preserved cells.

Who can preserve its cells?

Any adult, conscious person of whom this procedure is like a BIOLOGICAL INSURANCE, which it will put at its disposal in any moment, its young cells, in necessary, enclosed case for treatments or applications today still unknown.

Is there an age limit to preserve stem cells?

Technically it is not, but the more young man one is the younger it will be the cells.

Is the regenerative medicine the future?

Yes, The regenerative medicine is part of the personalized medicine, which is the medicine of the future, with which we are already provided today with these skills.

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  • cosmeticos sin parabenos

    Excelente articulo. Estaba buscando informacion al respecto. Gracias por compartir con la gente.

    22 June, 2015
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