Facts about fertility you should know

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Many young couples live thinking about parenting, it is very important to them and influences their daily lives. Science seeks to put his innovative treatments range from in vitro fertilization to revolutionary egg vitrification.

But the truth is that each of the partners is a case that requires different treatment. There are some questions that are repeated in almost all cases, according to Dr. Isabel Santillan of Eva Clinic, and that gives us answer, if they can help, with ten simple data.

10 facts about fertility

1. Infertility is not hereditary. A woman who has had fertility problems, does not mean you are ready to transmit his daughter; reproductive history is independent.

2. sexually transmitted diseases can affect fertility, some of them, even after healing, may sequelae affecting future.

3. Obesity can also get in the way of conceiving. Obesity can cause hormonal imbalances that simultaneously interfere with reproductive capability.

4. Having regular cycles without significant changes in menstruation, pregnancy does not guarantee. 80% of the rules themselves produce fecundable egg, the other not, why not have all the cycles mean that they are 100% viable to achieve pregnancy.

5. Male fertility, like women, also decreases as the man’s birthday. If it is true that the decline is much more pronounced in women, but different external factors can affect the male reproductive capacity.

6. Many women have given birth after age 45, but most resorting to assisted reproduction and in particular aovodonación
The reality is that being a mother naturally from the 40 it becomes an almost impossible mission, in addition, children are more at risk of suffering with diseases, and the eggs do not have the same quality as with younger age. From age 40, the probability of a woman to have a baby naturally is less than 5%.

7. To conceive naturally, it is especially important to pay attention to the dates on which you have sex, the more likely to conceive just before or during ovulation, because sperm can live inside a woman a couple days after intercourse.

8. folic acid, iodine and zinc supplements are known to increase a woman’s chances of conceiving, but in man there are also supplements that can be helpful as folic acid, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E and zinc.

9. Smoking greatly influences when get pregnant. The chances of conceiving are reduced by 50% if the woman smokes.

10. Stress is a great enemy of fertility. Women facing fertility treatment with high levels of anxiety ovulate 20% fewer eggs fertilized and 30% less.
If you’re a woman over 40 and want to get pregnant when you take more than three months trying without results sooner go to your doctor and get help.

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