“Dentists without asterisks” for José Luis Rocamora Presidente of the COEA

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The President of the College of Odontologists and Estomatólogos of Alicante (COEA) Jose Luis Rocamora speaks to us in the first person on the advertising mesenteries of the dental treatments.

The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language says that asterisk is ” orthographic Sign (*) employee for call to notes or other conventional uses “.

According to the College, asterisk would have at least two meanings: 1.-Call to the deception of the odontologic patients. 2.-Be Said of the small letter hidden in the offers of odontologic incomplete treatments. We think that it is of justice that, from this Official College of Odontologists and Estomatólogos of Alicante, we clarify the extra charges that they hide after the asterisks, in the advertisings of the dental treatments.

The asterisk is an element to all lights deceitfully that, frequently unfortunately, is in use for attracting clients. Yes, clients, not patients, so what really interests the one that uses it it is the economic performance. These companies of doing money with the oral health are, later, those who monopolize the great majority of the claims that we attend to the professional colleges.

From the collegiate institutions we plead for an odontolgy without asterisks and of quality. For it it is necessary to know the professionalism and experience of the odontologist who is going to attend to him, with his name and surnames, his know-how and preparation, as well as the technological equipments that it uses for the diagnosis and the treatment, and the used materials.

Eye with the asterisk

For the care of the health does not serve to compare prices of sanitary treatments them putting to the same level that any other good of consumption. It is necessary to bear in mind that it is not a question of a mere sale of treatments but of the provision of sanitary individualized services that they concern his health.

With a simple telephonic survey, as that they have been realized recently, it is possible neither to value a service of sanitary attention nor realize a statistical rigorous study, because this one values neither the welfare quality nor those of the used materials. The asterisks cannot be seen by telephone either.

Finally, I consider to be necessary to reflect that the dentists, across the professional colleges, always we have bet for that the public health extends the odontologic presentations to the maximum. This way we have repeated it in numerous occasions. In turn, from the colleges also we have denounced the companions’ labor situation in certain dental clinics, where one forces them to realize some treatments of free form because the company like that announces them. The Spanish dentists, across collegiate organizations as that of Alicante, always we have bet for a sanitary odontologic attention without asterisks. And this way we will continue doing it.

José Luis Rocamora Valero

President of the College of Odontologists and Estomatólogos of Alicante (COEA)

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