Dental aesthetics in Instituto Davó

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The dental aesthetics are one of the treatments that are realized in the Institute Davó, located in the International Hospital Medimar.

The Institute Davó, it possesses the technical and human means as well as the infrastructure adapted to be able to treat all kinds of patients, independently of his medical special circumstances (that could need a treatment in hospitable environment). We are pioneering and specialists in the field of the rehabilitation implantológic and dentofacial complex, with special patients who present bony severe atrophy of the upper jaw. Likewise, the Institute Davó is recognized as center of reference and expertly in the technology of the implant zigomatic.

It is a question of a technology very documented and recognized by the scientific international community and that the own Dr. Davó has helped to develop. It allows to the patient to enjoy fixed teeth immediately after the surgery, in a period of 24-48 hours. ” Our clinic has been absolutely linked with the development, consolidation and diffusion of this technology from 1999 “.

Dental aesthetics, do we improve our smile?

To have a few white and nice teeth is a decisive factor in the current company so much in personal as professional situations. Assiduous we come to interviews of work or social events for that we need to feel passes and to transmit safety. The smile and the dental harmony transmit the first impression that is had of a person. A good personal image also is a symptom of a good health and at present both are joined. In Instituto Davó we possess the best specialists to perfect the smile and, definitively, the image, by means of treatments that allow to obtain a perfect smile not only to aesthetic level but also of health.  To achieve the expectations of every patient, we have effective and predictable treatments as the veneers ones of porcelain or composite, the teeth whitening  or other treatments as the “invisible” orthodontics (system Invisalign) that allow to improve the image contributing naturalness and rejuvenating the smile.

The veneers of composite are a conservative treatment of dental aesthetics since it is not necessary to reduce the volume of the teeth and are realized in an alone session. With the veneers dental one we can improve the form, the position and the aspect of the tooth, aspiring to the maximum harmony and beauty of the smile.

It is a question of a slightly invasive treatment, that it allows to support the own teeth and that apart from obtaining the finished perfect one it has a great permanence. They are reversible: they can remove easily in the clinic if it is wished.


Composite and porcelain

It is true that the veneers of composite have an average life lower than those of porcelain (whereas the first ones last between 5 and 10 years, the second ones they change between the 15 and the 20), since with the time, they lose his sheen and can pigmentarse if a correct mouth hygiene is not carried out or there are had slightly advisable habits (the tobacco or drinks like the coffee or the refreshments of tail yellow the teeth). This doesn’t happen with the veneers of porcelain due to the material of which they are made. Nevertheless, it fits the possibility of lengthening to the maximum the efficiency of the veneers of composite by means of periodic reviews and a cleanliness of maintenance a year.

In addition, once passed these 5 ó 10 years a regeneration of the veneers ones can to end,process that does not need a total substitution of the sheet but only of the superficial cap.

The teeth whitening  is the process that is in use for treating the teeth with aesthetic ends, eliminating the effect of spots or colorations of extrinsic or intrinsic origin. There is one of the most requested dental procedures nowadays and increasingly considered a part of the habitual routine of care and beauty. The teeth whitening  has turned into obligatory requirement for those who want to illuminate a nice and really radiant smile. The teeth can manage to have an infinite variety of colors because of different motives, but basically the color of the teeth comes determined genetically, which it wants to say that the color of the teeth is an innate characteristic as the color of the skin.

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