Menstrual cup, that great unknown

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Menstrual cup, is a container of silicone, latex or plastic surgery that is inserted into the vagina during menstruation.

Unlike the traditional methods of feminine hygiene, such as tampons and towels, the cup does not absorb the flow but which picks to delete it when necessary. Over the years, the women they can use more than 15,000 sanitary towels or tampons in her fertile life , with what this entails consumption and waste. Without going further away from the Spanish annually spend more than 264 million euros in these products.

Increasingly women are encouraged to try alternative methods, one of them is the cup menstrual. Its main features are the savings and respect for the environment. As data, it must be borne in mind that each year are discarded in the world around 45,000 million of sanitary towels and tampons. The treetops menstrual are reused, so they are respectful of the environment, in fact, they can be used between three and ten years, (depending on the maintenance and the manufacturer) . In addition, by not having to change often or buy it, the savings is guaranteed.

How is it used?

The mechanism is simple, although the first few times, as is the case with the tampons, it may cost a little. To ensure proper operation, it is necessary bend the cup before you insert it into the bottom of the vagina; once inside, there is going to properly secure sustained of the vaginal walls. To know when it is desirable to remove the cup, is (in some versions) includes marks at the top that indicate the ability of the content. In addition has a jug at the bottom to remove it.

There are several different sizes and capabilities, you can keep up to 12 hours and are rarely full. At the time cleaning it with a little warm water and soap is sufficient, although but water is available we can use a little bit of paper, that if, after each cycle recommends its sterilization, inserting it in boiling water.


– The use of sanitary towels and tampons are associated with problems of dryness, candidiasis, cystitis, odors and Toxic Shock Syndrome. However, the cup menstrual does no harm to the health, it is not uncomfortable, and do not alter the menstruation.

-Unlike the buffer does not contain gels absorbent, deodorants or bleach.

-Does Not absorb the natural defenses nor leaves fibers in the vaginal wall.

-You can also take the entire night without having to go to the bathroom or worry about soiling the sheets. -You can practice sport without problem, even water.


– If you have a menstruation very abundant it is possible that you need check the cup with greater frequency, or get a towel.

-If you are away from home and you have to wash it in a public restroom can be uncomfortable.


Views The first records of cups menstrual dating from the 1930s, although not until 1987 were built the first developed with latex, with a model similar to the present. As of today the cup menstrual, with more than 25 years in the market, yet is for some women this great unknown. In addition it is an investment that is performed each time, due to its durability, so that the advertising is scarce and little is known of it. In fact in Spain its use is not veryfrequent, although the views are usually positive.


The price depends on each manufacturer, although ranges between 12 and 30 euros. Through Internet acquisition is very simple, although it can also be found in pharmacies and some large surfaces.

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